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Job & Career Training: Library Databases

How to Access All Library Databases

How to Access All Library Databases:

1. Go to the library's website and click on the orange "Research & Learning" button and then on the "Articles, Research & Information" button.

Manatee Library homepage buttons for the event calendar, download & stream, search the catalog, and research & learning

2. From the A-Z Databases list, you can use the subject drop-down menu to filter the list by subject, or you can find the database you are seeking alphabetically.

A-Z Databases main page

3. If you are accessing these databases from outside of the library, you may be prompted to enter your library card barcode number and 4-digit PIN.

Library Databases

LinkedIn Learning

Searching for Courses

  • Type a subject into the search bar at the top of the page (to get the search bar in the app, tap the magnifying glass), OR
  • Click on Content on the left side of the page. Topics are organized into four main categories: Business, Technology, Creative, and Certifications. Each category contains sub-topics, software skills, and learning paths. Click on a sub-topic to explore available courses.

Taking Courses

  • To save a video for later, tap the Save button to the right of the video. Courses you save for later can be found under My Library.
  • Click or tap on a course to go to the page for that lesson.

LinkedIn Learning Course Screenshot

  • Courses can be downloaded in the app to view offline. Tap the Download Course button below the video player to download the entire course or tap the download button Download icon next to an individual video in the table of contents to only download that part.
  • Beneath the video player, you will find an overview of the lesson, a notebook where you can take and save notes, and a transcript for those who prefer to read the lesson. The video player also includes a closed caption button for subtitles.

LinkedIn Learning Course Overview screenshot

  • Some courses include exercise files the instructor uses to teach the course. Under the video, in the Overview tab, click Show all next to Exercise Files to download these files.

LinkedIn Learning Exercises Screenshot

  • Once downloaded, unzip the folder by right-clicking and selecting either “Open” or “Extract All”. Many of these files will require the software application used to create them to run (for example, to use exercise files about Photoshop, you must have Photoshop installed on your computer). Software is not included in LinkedIn Learning.

Course Certificates

  • After completing a course, you may earn a certificate. These can be viewed on the lesson page, under the Overview tab. Click Show all next to Certificates and click LinkedIn Learning Certificate. Next, click Download PDF.
  • You can also download certificates from the My Learning button, under the Learning History tab. Click the 3-dots menu icon Three dots menu icon to the right of a course you’ve completed and click Download Certificate.


Please visit our eBooks & More guide for detailed instructions on how to use Hoopla.

Entrepreneurship Center

Using Entrepreneurship Center

Entrepreneurship Center allows you to conduct a Basic or Advanced Search and view/search a glossary of business terms Glossary button

  • The home page includes organized content boxes in the four key stages of business: Plan, Fund, Start, and Manage.
  • Click the Browse Topics button to browse a list of popular subjects organized by Business Topic, Business Type, and How To.
  • The Cite button allowSharing buttons for Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, email, download, and prints you to create a citation for an article in multiple citation styles. The Highlights and Notes button allows you to make and save annotations within an article. You can email, download, and print a PDF of the article, as well as send it to your Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.
  • An article’s webpage (example below) provides publication information. The Explore column will give you more articles and content related to the current article. You also have the option to listen to an audio version of the article by clicking the Listen button Listen button.

Sample article with publication information, sharing buttons, and Explore More column


Peterson's Career Prep

Peterson's Career Prep homepage

Using Peterson’s Career Prep

Content is broken into two categories: Schools and Scholarships and Career Tools. Click the Browse Menu button to view these tools or scroll down to the menus at the bottom of the page.

Career Tools

Career tools menu

  • Career Advice allows you to take courses that cover all aspects of the job process, from building an effective resume to advancing in your current career.
  • Use the Find a Career tool to take a survey that will match your interests and values to potential career paths.
    • To take the survey, click on Start Assessment. Once you finish the assessment, you can view your matched job and career options under the Jobs and Careers tabs at the top of the page. The Tools tab provides additional resources for navigating resumes, cover letters, networking, and job interviews.
  • To build a resume or cover letter, click Online Resume Builder. Once you are finished editing a document, click the download button in the upper right to save a PDF or Word copy to your computer.
  • Click the Job Search button to look for available jobs. You can choose between government jobs which uses the USA Jobs website or non-government jobs which will redirect you to the Indeed website.

Find a School or Scholarship

Schools and scholarships tools menu

  • Use the School Search Tool to find undergraduate or graduate programs across the country. Use the filters on the left to narrow colleges by factors like location, area of study, school size, and more.
  • Use the Scholarship Search Tool to find available scholarships, grants and more. You can filter based on factors such as award amount, area of study, and more.
  • The Financial Aid Quiz allows you to take a quiz and test your financial aid literacy.


Find a Business or Person

  • From the homepage, use the Quick Lookup search boxes to search by Business Name, Headquarters Location, First and Last Name, City, State, or Phone Number. Click Advanced Search for additional search options.

AtoZdatabases quick lookup search boxes

  • From the search results, click on the record you would like to view. You can email records to one or more email address, or print and download records to Excel or PDF formats.

Record for Apple Inc HQ with a red circle around the download, email, and print buttons.

  • To find new businesses or search by business creation date, go to the homepage and click "Get Started" under 2 Million NEW Businesses.
  • Use Universal Search to cross-search Business & Consumer databases.
  • 350,000 NEW Movers/HomeOwners is updated weekly. It allows you to search by move distance, housing type, geography, and it will also give the previous known address for an individual. You'll also find new homeowners who have recently purchased their home.

Advanced Search Lists on the AtoZdatabase homepage